Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is the difference between perfume, deodorant, and cologne?

perfume is only for woman mostly because it has a bigger concentrates of a ';pure perfume';,cologne is mostly for men because it has the smallest concentrates of ';pure perfume'; and deodorant is meant to refresh you and protect you from bigger sweating and make your sweat not to stinkWhat is the difference between perfume, deodorant, and cologne?
awwWhat is the difference between perfume, deodorant, and cologne?
Perfume: women

D : under arms

C: Men
why don't uknow the difference?

okay, perfume and cologne are for making u smell really good... perfume just is stronger and more concentrated . while deodorant, it has a substance that's antibacterial to prevent the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria on the skin [it's actually the bacteria that causing the body odor]. deodorants are only for the underarm..


v. t. 1. To fill or impregnate with a perfume; to scent.

[imp. %26amp; p. p. Perfumed ; p. pr. %26amp; vb. n. Perfuming.]

And Carmel's flowery top perfumes the skies.

- Pope.

n. 1. The scent, odor, or odoriferous particles emitted from a sweet-smelling substance; a pleasant odor; fragrance; aroma.

No rich perfumes refresh the fruitful field.

- Pope.

2. A substance that emits an agreeable odor.

And thou shalt make it a perfume.



n. 1. A deodorizer.



n. 1. A perfumed liquid, composed of alcohol and certain aromatic oils, used in the toilet; - called also cologne water and eau de cologne.
Perfume is a fragrance for women.

Cologne is a fragrance for men.

Deodorant is to keep your underarms smelling good.
main difference is :

Eau de parfum: 10-30% aromatic compounds (simply a stronger fragrant)

Eau de cologne: 2-3% aromatic compounds (a light perfume)

As the percentage of aromatic compounds decreases, the intensity and longevity of the scent decrease. It should be noted that different perfumeries or perfume houses assign different amounts of oils to each of their perfumes. As such, although the oil concentration of a perfume in eau de parfum (EDP) dilution will necessarily be higher than the same perfume in eau de toilette (EDT) form, the same trends may not necessarily apply to different perfume compositions much less across different perfume houses.

last but not least: a deo is a type of perfume that you spray under your pits...
perfume is generally put on what your wearing your clothes. deodorant is applied directly on the bosy and cologne is generally applied by men.
Perfume is normally sprayed on neck and lower face. Deodorant is normally sprayed under the arms. Cologne is a city in Germany.

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